Learning English can be fun!

Learning English will provide you with new opportunities for work, entertainment, social life, travel, etc.

Friday, 26 December 2008

EOI Homework for Christmas

Hi everybody,
I just wanted to remind you of the homework for the next term, just in case you did not come to EOI before the holidays in December 2008.

On January 7th we shall have a timed class composition. The topic will be something related to Oracle Night, so reread it to have it fresh.

Classbook readings, vocabulary and grammar from pages 16-18; 22-23; 26; 30; 32-35.
Workbook revision and consolidation of units 2, 3 and4. (1, 6 and 9 should have been done already). Remember that the workbook is optional, only for those who really need to do more work.

Hope you find time for everything!

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Juan Goytisolo, the outsider

A whole life devoted to the Spanish language, mostly outside our borders, Juan Goytisolo has received the National Prize (Premio Nacional de las Letras) from the Spanish Ministry of Culture with a cold attitude. His work has been at last recognized with 40,000 €.

Apart from novels, Juan Goytisolo has written essays and travel books, and is also well known for his opinion articles in El País newspaper, where he expresses his anger against injustice, for he is seriously compromised with improving our world and uncovering hypocrisy. Above all, he fights against crimes committed against immigrants in Europe, for, as he says, «una cultura es la mezcla de las influencias externas que ha ido recibiendo con los años. Y yo, personalemente, de la mezcla cultural he aprendido tanto como de Cervantes».

Finally, Juan Goytisolo maintains that «más que nunca, en estos tiempos difíciles y de crisis, la cultura es un asidero para la gente. Hay muchas causas dignas de ser defendidas, podría estar toda la noche enumerándolas».

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Burn after reading by the Coen Brothers at UGC

I saw it today with my PALE students and I laughed a few times. The characters are fantastic: John Malkovich, as ex-CIA agent Osborne Cox, Brad Pitt, as personal trainer Chad Feldheimer,Frances McDormand, as personal trainer Linda Litzke and George Clooney, as Federal Marshal Harry Pfarrer. The situations are very comic although the plot lacks the talent of previous work by the Coen brothers, like Fargo or last year’s No Country For Old Men.
The story is absurd but shows memorable scenes like the one where the two personal trainers are trying to blackmail the CIA agent or the scene at the park where Linda Litzke meets her previous date.
To conclude, a comedy of characters, a good team, some humour but not the Coen talent at its best.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Tips for Presentations

Here you can find tips for your presentations.

Writing tips

Here you can see a few slides to help you understand my approach to writing.

Saturday, 1 November 2008

The wisdom of keeping quiet

Have a look at this audio and tell me what you think.
You can download the pdf file with the text, if you like.

Sunday, 26 October 2008


As I mentioned last week, you need to have a look at he connections between ideas so that you use them in your presentations. I have found a page where you can practise them. I hope you can ejoy it.


Sunday, 19 October 2008


Last week I could see some of you don't have a clear idea about the pronunciation of regular verbs in the past. Here is a page you could benefit from if you have trouble.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

David Lean and James Stewart

Have a look at this link, where you can find the films that will be shown in Valencia (La Mostra).
An important British filmmaker, David Lean was born in Croydon in 1908 (U.K.). Some of his films are based in literary works (Charles Dickens, Noel Coward, Joseph Conrad, E.M. Forster).

On the other hand, James Stewart is the well-known Hollywood movie actor whose films we have enjoyed so much.

Do you like films in V.O.?

Would you like to see Happy Go Lucky on Wednesday 21st at 12.00 h. in UGC?
If so, bring 4 euros on Friday or Monday to book your seat. That's the price of the ticket.
This will be an activity outside the school which will be the basis for other classroom tasks, so try not to miss it!

Monday, 13 October 2008

Diagnostic Test

Today we have been doing a Diagnostic Test in the Multimedia Room. The DIALANG test has five parts:
Reading Comprehension

At the end of each test, you have to press "your level", and you shall know what is your level in each one of the required skills.
As the test is quite long, try to finish it outside the class. You can download the dialang programme from the website.
Then, when you know the results, tell them to your teacher. Thanks.
This is useful to know where you are and how much work you need to reach the required level in NA1 (B2A)

Listen to a bit of history

Try to listen to this file on Us History and write a comment on it.

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Formula 1

Alonso wins as Hamilton lead is cut
· Hamilton finishes 12th after early collision
· Championship lead cut by two points by Massa

* Josh Widdicombe and agencies
* guardian.co.uk,
* Sunday October 12 2008 07.45 BST
Hamilton started from pole but was penalised for his move on Raikkonen, as Alonso went on to win. Photograph: Mark Thompson/Getty Images.

Do you like car races? Do you consider Alonso has raised interest in F1?

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

The English Department is preparing an outing to the Albatros Cinema on October, 22 (Wednesday at 19.00). If you want to go contact your teacher, please!

Bruce Springsteen

ARTIST: Bruce Springsteen
TITLE: The River
Lyrics and Chords

I come from down in the valley
Where mister, when you're young
They bring you up to do
Like your daddy done
Me and Mary we met in high school
When she was just seventeen
We'd drive out of this valley
Down to where the fields were green

/ Em G / D C9 / Em G / C G / C - / GD Em / Am - / G C /

We'd go down to the river
And into the river we'd dive
Oh, down to the river we'd ride

/ Em C / D G / Em C D C9 /

Then I got Mary pregnant
And, man, that was all she wrote
And for my 19th birthday
I got a union card and a wedding coat
We went down to the courthouse
And the judge put it all to rest
No wedding day smiles, no walk down the aisle
No flowers, no wedding dress

That night we went down to the river
And into the river we'd dive
Oh, down to the river we'd ride

I got a job working construction
For the Johnstown Company
But lately there ain't been much work
On account of the economy
Now all them things that seemed so important
Well mister they vanished right into the air
Now I just act like I don't remember
Mary acts like she don't care

But I remember us riding in my brother's car
Her body tan and wet down at the reservoir
At night on them banks I'd lie awake
And pull her close just to feel each breath she'd take
Now those memories come back to haunt me
They haunt me like a curse
Is a dream a lie if it don't come true
Or is it something worse, that sends me

Down to the river
Though I know the river is dry
That sends me down to the river tonight

Down to the river
My baby and I
Oh, down to the river we ride

Do you like the song? If so, write a post!

Mostra (Film Display)

XXIX Mostra
de Valencia/Cinema del Mediterrani will take place in Valencia from October 14th to 22nd. The great French actress Isabelle Hupert (The Pianist) will be the invited artist.
For more information about the programme, visit the Mostra website:

Write a review

Have you seen any of the new releases? If so, write a review here! Thanks

Places where to go at the weekend:
Albatros & Babel Cinemas
UGC cinemas
Here you can see VO films and enjoy yourself!

Monday, 6 October 2008

Information about homework

Homework for next Monday:
Classbook: Unit 1 A, B, C
Reading comprehension activities
Vocabulary activities
Grammar activities

Have a nice weekend!

Paul Newman

What do you know about him?
Which of his films do you like the best? Why?

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

First week

Now the first week is over. Every day new students come. When will the group be complete?
On the first day we read the rules and regulations handout. I intend to include the main information here, but somebody today didn't give it back to me, so I'll haver to make a new copy tomorrow.
Periods will be 1 hour 40 minutes long.
First reading will be "Oracle Night" by Paul Auster. I've talked to Quique at the bookstore next door and he said there are enough copies for everybody.
On the second day (today) I gave information about the laboratory, conversation and multimedia options. The handout with the information is on the board behind the teacher's desk.
We have dome some groupwork today as well with the idea to explore the classbook and workbook (Face to Face upper intermediate) and find our way around. We've also discussed which writing pieces in the workbook would be more relevant.
Group 10.00 (P. 5,1,8,7)
Group 12.00 (P.11,7,5,6)
I wonder whether we can reach a consensus about the most four important pieces!
That's all folks!
Have a nice weekend!

Thursday, 25 September 2008



Welcome to my 4th year class!

I hope you can enjoy yourselves learning English. This blog is for you to help me make the most of your time and energy in order to develop the required competences.