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Saturday, 1 November 2008

The wisdom of keeping quiet

Have a look at this audio and tell me what you think.
You can download the pdf file with the text, if you like.


Unknown said...

Hi! I´m traying to listen it but I can´t get it! Could anyone help to me? I don´t know what is wrong. Thank you


Thsbonilla said...


First of all, sorry me because in my last post I make a mistake. Since now I thought that Paul Auster is inside the New Journalism current, but yesterday one of my friends told me that it's not true. I looked it in the Internet and my friend is right. So, sorry. Paul Auster is a really good writer but he isn't journalist! Oh! My God, what a mistake!

Secondly, I have a question. I am writing an English diary but I don’t know what tense of verb is better use. I explain it. When I am speaking of my day, need I use present perfect or past simple? What tense is better? I know it’s really stupid question, because it’s present and it’s easy, but I’m a mess!
