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Friday, 16 January 2009

Telling stories

Telling stories is an art. In the following weeks we are going to learn how to tell a story. What are the characteristics of a good story?

Here are some ideas than can help you with your story:
• Intriguing opening paragraph
• Interesting characters
• Evocative description or setting
• Humour
• A strong plot
• An unexpected ending
• Original use of language
• Effective use of dialogue
• Love interest
• An imaginatice stuation
• Tension
• Message about... the human condition

What are the stages in a story?
• Initial situation
• Conflict
• Development of action
• Outcome
• Final situation

Well, now you can try and start getting ideas for a cool story.

If yopu need inspiration, you can read Patricia Highsmith (1921 - 1995), a great Amercian writer of thrillers, whose short stories Little Tales of Misogyny (1974)you are sure to enjoy.


Thsbonilla said...

Woooow! It is a really good story and an amazing storyteller! I was scared while she was telling it...
Very useful for our next activity...

I don't know if I will tell my story like her...so well.


Inma Garín said...

Thank you Julia. I am glad that you enjoye her stories. They are really amazing!

YRENE Z. V. said...

that's another interesting story....it was on 1992 in an ONU's conference.
The youtube link is :


I think you'll enjoy it.It makes you think about our lives and what we are doing in and to the world.And what terrifies me is the question that this child said that on 1992...and we're now on 2009 and everything is the same and even worrying.


Germán said...

Wow, It's really a scaring story. I don't know what I would do if something similar happened to me. It should be a shockng situation.

I don`t want you to be scared and that's the reason why I am going to tell you a funny story that happened to me not much time ago.

See you next week!!

marisa said...

This is a really scary story . I think is kike a plot of horror film. If in my home World have happened something like that I never had lived there anymore.

Thsbonilla said...

A short story about war

Today is raining. My mother is baking a chocolate cake while she whistle an old-fashion song. We have been living here since November. We arrived here nine month ago. It was a sunny day despite it was a hard winter. The eleventh of November in 1945 we saw this beautiful house painted in red and green colours. Mirella, who was the landlady of the house, rented us it for only 100 francs per month. The bombs sounds far away. In the battlefield, French men are fighting against German soldiers.

Carcassonne is a wonderful French village at South of France, near Perpignan. We live in a high mountain where you can see all the city. We don’t have any shop near our house, so I always get up early in the morning to go to the city centre. Apart from this, everything is perfect here. People are nice. Although we are still learning French, villagers try to understand us.

My mother and I fled Germany when the Second World War starts. We are Spanish but we were living in Germany until my birthday. My father was a civil servant, nevertheless when the war started he had to go to the battlefield. Now, we don’t now where is my father. Whereas I am remembering all of this, my mother is taking out the cake from the oven. At the same time a strange shadow is approaching to our house. It is a man figure. I can’t see it well because of the rain. The unknown shadow knock the door, my mother goes to open it. She starts to cry. He is my father!

To be continued…


dispiste said...
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dispiste said...

From César Martínez, NA1 12-14h


It was a dark, cold, windy winter night. I hold my breath for some seconds, and I heard it again. Country people were used to nightly noises: foxes, birds, branches… but that sound was different. It was not the wind. Neither it was an animal sound. They were human noises, strong screams that fainted in the night. Human, I think… or maybe not so human.

My parents had left the previous morning. They went to the village, in order to buy two new oxen. It takes about one day to come back to the farm from the city at ox speed, so we were not expecting them until tomorrow. It was not the first time I listened that screams. I had heard them some weeks ago, a night in which my parents were also absent, and I was as terrified as I was this night. I was almost thirteen, almost a man, so I decided it was the time to face my destiny. Whatever it was, I was going to discover it.

I got up from bed, and went out of my room. I opened the front door, and walked in the middle of the night. It was so cold that my mouth exhaled big amounts of steam. I was disappearing in the dark, and now I barely could see my own feet. However, I saw a light in the granary. I went straight to the door, which was half open. I could clearly hear now the screams, which sounded like a girl which was suffering a great pain. When I reached the door, I got petrified. There, laying on the straw, there was not any ghost, nor any animal. There was just my elder brother and Cris, the only daughter of MacNeil. They were naked, turning, playing a game that I could not understand. However, I kept looking for a minute. Then I left.

After that night, I felt my life was changing. I stopped feeling afraid in the windy, cold nights of winter. My childhood was almost over. Some summers later, I also visited the granary for the first time. And then, definitely, a new age started for me.

Inma Garín said...

Well done! Amazing work!