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Friday, 2 January 2009

New Year's Resolutions

It's time to look forward to the coming year and reflect on the changes we want to make and resolve to follow through.

Some popular resolutions are:
1.Do regular exercise to keep feet and be more healthy.
2.Lose weight to have more energy. Set reasonable goals and stay focused. Stick to a weight loss programme.
3. Quit smoking even if it is not the first time you try. It gets an average of four times eyou quit for good. Give yourself another opportunity.Try nocotine replacement therapy. Think about the advantages it has: save money, get your taste back, breath better, have more energy, etc.
4. Enjoy life more. Bring balance to your body, mind and soul. Try a different lifestyle. Do things more slowly and try to do less, even if that means putting a limit to your family demands on you. Take up a new hobby!
5. Get out of debt. Handle your own finances. Be more realistic to make ends meet. Don't use a credit card, taht may be the first step. Don't buy a house, that is one of the sources of unhappiness, even if some people say the opposite.
6. Learn how to use a computer or an i-pod to develop your language skills. Devote more time to enjoy yourself while learning English.
7. Help others.Volunteerism can take many forms, you don't have to go to Africa to do it. Help the lady next door with her shopping or babysit for your monoparental neighbour. Get involved in a project that suits your timetable.
8. Get organized. If you can'y manage, get help from a professional organizer. It saves time, energy and avoids stress.

Now, you can reorganize these resolutions according to your needs, or add a few more to this list to inspire others.


Unknown said...


When starts a new year we use to think in change all things that we don`t like of our life. (I do it always).
In january we try to do new things like do exercise, don´t smoke, study more, read more books, etc... but in february or perhaps in mars we forget all these things and we come back to the same lifestyle we had in december (me too).

YRENE Z. V. said...

I've never ever made those kind of resolutions and to be honest I think that it's not necessary to make it on this dates...in my opinion, to be a good person, you must try to be a better person every day of your life, not only to think about it the first day of the new year.

Inma Garín said...

You are right, Irene, you must try to be a better person every day of your life, not only to think about it the first day of the new year. But it helps to start afresh and a new year means a fresh start, even if, as Isabel says, it only lasts for a few months.

You can always write them on a piece of paper and read it whenever you feel like it.

Vicent said...

Hello, friends, how are you? I would reflect on the changes I want to make this New Year 2009, regarding de subjects proposed in this blog.

1. Do regular exercise to be healthier. I’m trying to do it since three years ago, swimming about half an hour early in the morning at the Politécnico’s University indoor swimming pool.
2. Lose weight. I’m not proud of myself regarding this point, because I think I still eat so much. Perhaps I should try to go on a slimming diet.
3. Quit smoking. It’s not necessary; I could achieve give up smoking about ten years ago. I hope this time was the last and definitive time.
4. Enjoy life more. Yes, I think we all need to improve this subject in our everyday life. But, I don’t believe to take up a new hobby is the solution, maybe it would be possible enjoy life more if we could stop working full-time and increase our own time.
5. Get out of debt. Sorry, but I have no debt, my whole finances are quite OK.
6. Learn how to use a computer or an i-pod to develop your language skills. I know how to use a computer yet, at least to do my daily job, but I dislike use an i-pod. In order to develop my language skills and learn English, I prefer to listen beautiful songs singed by my favourite musicians, although by the other hand I admit that in general it’s easier to use a computer if you’re good skilled in English language.
7. Help others. I’m rather agree with volunteerism, but I think for the time being I’m not ready to go to Africa as a missionary.
8. Get organized. I can manage myself, probably a professional organizer is appropriate for an executive or a politician, but he or she is not strictly necessary for a normal person.

That’s all, folks! Thanks very much for your attention