- Is the PALE programme appropriate?
- Are the premises and timetable suitable?
- Was the length of each lesson adequate?
B. Objectives:
- Did the course meet the objectives?
- Were the objectives suitable?
- Why?
C. Content and Processes:
- Was there enough content?
- Was the content appropriate?
- Did you find the materials and the teacher's approach interesting?
D. Outcomes:
- Did you learn what you expected to learn?
- Why?
- Did you find the course suitable to your needs?
- Will the course change your teaching practice?
E. Evaluation
- Did you enjoy the course?
- Why?
- Did the teacher manage the group in a suitable way?
- Was the teacher able to communicate with the students and create a suitable atmosphere?
- Were activities balanced? (speaking-writing-listening)
- Was the teacher able to stimulate your interest for the L3?
F. Future Directions:
- What suggestions for improvement can you make?(any changes?)
- What advise can you give to a future PALE student?
- Would you like the course to stay as it is or be integrated in the current schedule at the EOI? Why?
A.I consider that it's necessary to improve our inglish. All premises and timetable ara suitable, but I recomand to try to offer more timetables.The length of lesson is enough, but it depends on the content.
B. The objectives were clear.
C.From my point of view, the content wasn't enough,however it's needed more time to do it. Afterwards, I think the class should be more short, because Two hour and a half were antipedagogical.
C.Materials were excellent.
d.I only wanted to learn more vocabulary, but i didn't know which one,but I learnt enough.Learning english is endless.
E. I enjoyed a lot where the activities were taken place outside the classroom. In the class, I liked to speak a lot with my partners about some very interesting and recent topics.Grammar was a little boring, but it was necessary.
F. .
At least, I would like to suggest that it's needed to get a oficial certificate from EOI, not a simple certificate of Cefire. My final objective is to teach my subject in english, because of that I would prefer to spend one year in England for getting a better level.It's not enough fifteen days.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude for the course and, specially to Inma for her patience.
Sorry for the possible mistakes I could have done.
A)I think that as an english teacher, programs like this one offer you an enormous tool from the one hand to keep in contact with the english language and from the other refreshing and sharing ideas with the other teachers.
Sometimes, the timetable can be hard to follow due to our work that starts at school but finish at home, but also the timetable and the lengh of the course have been adecuated.
B)As I have said before, my objectives for this course have been reached, they were, being in contact with the english language and refreshing grammar, vocabulary and structures.
C)Yes, the materials were adecuate and also with the up to now topics.
D)Yes,I have practiced in both the oral and the writing and I have share ideas with others, but, this is not going to change my teaching practice, what it will do is increase my interest in the english language.
E)I enjoyed the course a lot.
The teacher managed the group, the students were able to make speeches about a wide range variety of topics in a suitable atmosphere.
The activities were balanced we had time for all: the speaking, the reading, the writing and the oral and gave us the stimulation for creating interesting activities both: in class and as a homework.
F)I think that my suggestion would be, to create courses like this one, because give us as english teachers, the opportunity to keep in contact with the English Language.
I would say to the future students of the PALE to take the advantage of it.
I think the PALE programme has been appropiate. Its premises, objectives and timetable have been suitable too, because all the lessons have been programmed in an accurated and interesting way. This ones have permitted us to become better language users of English. And these lessons have also given to us the opportunity of practising English in a relaxed atmosphere.
About the contents, they were appropiate too. The book, used along the PALE term, was an worthy tool in the classroom. It dealt with topics such as cinema, travels, environment, tales & stories, etc. Thus these ones were an interesting starting point to our learning process.
This material have been implemented with photocopies, films and bibliography too.
I have enjoyed this course, because the classroom atmosphere has been suitable, the activities have been balanced too. And all the skills have been practising.
Hello Inma!
For me, these classes have been useful, because I needed to practice my english, speaking with adults. Four hours a week is suitable for those who work, so I think the time table was good. But maybe the group was too big so there have been moments where we could have spoken more but the amount of people didn´t made it possible. I also think that it would have been interesting (at least for me) watching some more films. Maybe we could have gone more to play english games at the pubs also.
One of the activities I¨ve enjoyed most has been the exposition, first because we learnt thing from our companions and also because it was a good opportunity to exam myself speaking english...maybe next time the time of exposition could be longer.
Happy easter!!!
A. Context.
In my opinion PALE is a very good programme that I couldn't afford if I had to pay for it. So, for me is an excellent oportunity for learning more English. The tiemtable and lessons` length are OK.
B. Objectives.
My biggest problem has always been related with oral skills, listening and speaking. I'm satisfied because we have worked a tot these two aspect. I feel I have imporoved. So, for me the objectives are suitable.
C. Content and processes.
The content was appropiate. The oral presentation is an excellent exercice, because the student has to work hard many aspects, such as knowledge of the subject, writing, and speaking. Perhaps doing two presentations could be a good idea.
Materials and teacher's method was fine.
D. Outcomes.
I have enjoyed the course. Perhaps I miss some reading, I meant, reading and comment a book. The aspect I have liked the most has been the oral activities and the theatre at E.O.I.
E. Evaluation.
Good Evaluation. I think I have improved my English. The course is woth.
F. Future Directions.
Perhaps the place is not very well comunicate, it would be better doing classes in a High School in the City Centre or a place where the 'metro' net was avoilable.
A. I think the programme and also the length of the course are very appropiated. Is the perfect programme to exchange and learn languajes and share your experiencies with other colleagues.
B. The objetives about speaking classes were satisfied.
C. The materials were very good.
D. I hope in the future introduce at least half of my contents in English, so my students can demand foreign grants such leonardo and another programmes.
E. I enjoyed the extra activities very much as the cinema, the teather, the ruddarska market and the quiz. The teacher fits very well with the group. I liked a lot the speaking and listening activities.
F. I like the course as it is now and in my opinion is not neccesary to set it in EOI. I missed more improvisation from time to time.
Piedad's assessment
A. In my opinion this kind of programmes are very necessary to get in touch with other teachers, to improve my forgotten English, to revise vocabulary, grammar, etc...
B. I can't remember the objectives set at the beginning of the course, but in a general way my objective(to lose the shyness of speaking) has been reached. I feel I have improved in many aspects of the language.
C. The content has been appropriate for a language course, but I think we could have prepared aspects more related with the primary curriculum or the secondary specialities, in order to get abilities or information we can use right now.
D. I think I have learned some new vocabulary and revised grammar structures, verbs,... but the best thing has been to talk with colleagues and share our interests and experiences.
E. I have very much enjoyed the course even when work or personal problems were around. I have found a very nice atmosphere, the group has been really nice with lots of fun and joy.
F. I think that a book is useful but not necessary, the work of oral and audio competence must be essential.
I know that the kind of activities that we are suposed to do in this PALE course is worked in EOI school so it's possible to do the PALE there, but I prefer to work also didactic aspects, not only language aspects.
A. In my opinion the PALE is an appropiate programme if you want to refresh or to improve your english. It is appropiate because before starting the course several teachers make you an exam and in this way you will be in your level. The timetable is suitable because as we work we need time to arrive in time and the lessons don't become boring. On the other hand, the period is suitable because it doesn't finish at the end of the academic year, this is positive because everybody need more time for his or her job at the end.
B. I can't really say if the objectives were reached or not because I don't remember them. We saw them at the beginning of the programme but we don't have them now. Anyway, I think the teacher is the person who must consider if the objectives have been reached.
C. As I said before the content was appropriate because it had the right level for our class. Futhermore, sometimes the teacher brought additional materials to enlarge our knowledge in some of the contents.
D. This course didn't change my teaching practice but I'm happy with it, because it is not its objective. This is the objective that the other part of the course (the didactic one) will have.
E. During this course I remembered knowledge that I had but that I had almost forgotten, but I'm happy because I also acquire new contents, as well as I had the oportunity of speaking in English during five hours a week, so I consider myself lucky. Futhermore, the atmosphere in class was very good and I felt very comfortable. And the activities were varied, so they didn't became boring.
A- In my opinion, the PALE program is appropiate and the premises and the timetable are suitable, but 2,5 hours is too long for one sesion.
B- I think that the course meet some objetives but not all of them.
C-The content was appropiate.
About the materials, I want to say that they were good. We generaly used the book and sometimes the work with it was not as amusing as I hoped.I liked the listenings and some dicussions we had in class.
D- With PALE course I have refreshed my English. I think I had leart more if I had studied more at home.
E- What I enjoied more was the presentation, the films and the classes at the pub. The activities were balanced.
think so.In my opinion PALE has been an excellent opportunity to
practice and improve my level of the language as well, this course
gives you the chance to share opinions with other colleagues.
B.Yes. C. Yes.The materials we have been working with during the course
were interesting because they were actual.
D.Yes.During the course we have revised most of the English grammar
points,I mean the most important ones.Although the course doesn't
change my teaching practice I must say that I improved a lot.
E. I had a very good time.The teacher managed the group and she created
a good atmosphere in our class.
The activities were balanced.We had the opportunity for practicing the
four skills, that is to say, speaking,listening, reading and
writing.Our teacher encouraged us to write in English.Each student had
to do a presentation and we chose a different topic.
F.My suggestion would be to do a Pale every year.I think it's necessary
as an English teacher.
To sum up, I would recommend this course to other teachers.They will
find it very interesting and motivating at the same time.However, the
time abroad should be longer.
A.A PALE course is a golden oportunity to improve our english and be in contact with other collegues in order to know how are their schools and how is valencian reality in education.
Been here two days a week makes us the oportunity to take fresh our lessons.
c.Related to the content, I think its proper, but I expected to work more with the book.
D. I expected a lot of this course and almost plenty of them are covered.
I would like to have studied more grammar and could speak more, becouse I have left my english ten years ago and I have forgotten a lot of things.This course is going to be an start point to spoilt my english.
E. I enjoy the course. We have a great group. We are so closed one each other and the teacher help us to improve and to enjoy with english.
We had extra activities that make us to learn in a diferent context and know more to our collegues.
F.I suggest to the new students to take benefit of this PALE oportunity and study hard.
I don´t know if the EOI is a good place to make PALE, but it could be, becouse the EOI teachers are more prepared to teach english.
Mª José Hernández
Thanks everyone for your comments. You have been a great group to work with! I wish you a brilliant future as teachers!
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