Three weeks and a half and the course will be over when we come back after the Easter Holidays, so there's lots to do to boost your English competences.
First, on the 22 and 27th of April we'll have the Book Club about The Grass is Singing by Doris Lessing. In order to prepare for the Club, write a few interesting ideas or questions related to the characters and events in the book.
More about Doris Lessing at: Science Stage
As far as Face 2Face is concerned, we shall continue with lesson 11B, C and D, so study the vocabulary and the grammar. You can also do the reading exercises on page 90.
Finally, check the Progress Portfolio of the previous lessons to see what needs revising. Then get the workbook to revise those areas which need more work.
For those students who need more grammar work I recommend Grammar for First Certificate: Lesson 15 Passive Voice; Lesson 16 Reported Speech; Lesson 18 Phrasal Verbs; Verb complementation Lesson 17 and Linking words lessons 24 and 25.
For those who need more vocabulary work, please organize well all the vocabulary you have learned in an organised notebook, so as to revise it every week.
For those who need to practise listening, go to Event Blog (Language Learning). On the right-hand side you have all sorts of podcasts to listen to. Take notes on what you hear. Then open Audacity and record an audio file rephrasing what you have just heard. Try to recycle the language you have learned. Good luck!
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