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Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Amazing podcast about economics today

Making Rich People Richer Doesn't Make the Rest of Us richer' and 22 other Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism

Listen to this podcast from The London School of Economics, and you'll understand a lot more about the world in which we are living today.

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Miguel Rico said...

The problem of trickle-down economics is that can increase the disparity between rich and poor, especially if the rich do not invest. It seems the poor only have the crumbs...

Though some businessmen seem to be aware of the problem. I read this in The Guardian:

The son of US business magnate (and third wealthiest person in the world) Warren Buffet has come out in support of Occupy Wall Street.

Howard Buffett, director of the Berkshire Hathaway Inc, told Bloomberg that Wall Street protesters were provoked by abuses from corporations amid a widening disparity between rich and poor.

"I think it takes that to make things happen sometimes," Howard Buffett, 56, said of the demonstrations in an interview yesterday in Des Moines, Iowa. Over the past 15 years, "we saw large corporations really screw people."

Occupy Wall Street has drawn out protesters from New York to Seattle and gained empathizers among the top executives at Citigroup Inc. (C) and Blackrock Inc. Warren Buffett, the world's third-richest person, has said he is concerned about inequity in the U.S. The younger Buffett, a farmer and philanthropist, said obtaining enough food has become more difficult for more people.

"There has never been a larger gap between earnings in this country," said Howard Buffett, who was in Des Moines to deliver a speech at the World Food Prize conference. "There has never been a time in my lifetime when the government is going to cut an incredible amount of programs that support poor people and feed them."


Inma Garín said...

You are right! Demonstrators all over the world are speaking with one single voice to make themselves heard. Things need to improve for a lot of people.