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Thursday, 29 April 2010

PALE Group

Go to this link to read about the hiyab and write your opinion for El País English Edition. Choose one of these genres.
a) Letter to the editor
b) Opinion article


Inma Garín said...
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Inma Garín said...

My outline is the following:
1)Different regulations about the hiyab in schools can lead to segregation
2) The hiyab is on the increase as a sign of muslim women identity
3) The importance of education for all people
4) people need to grow more tolerant and open-minded. Forbidding the hiyab will only lead to more discrimimation against muslim women
5)A framework for all schools is the key

Path said...
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Path said...

1.The easiest thing for us, teachers, would be to prohibit the hijab at public schools.
2.Muslim women don´t want to offend anyone wearing the hijab.
3.Some muslim teenagers wear the hijab because they are forced to.
4.Wearing religious signals don´t make you more religious.
5.Our country would have to make its way into a secular direction.

Unknown said...
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Miquel Ruiz said...
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Miquel Ruiz said...
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Sagra said...

This is my outline:
1)The Spanish Constitution document says that state institutions are secular and any religious symbol is allowed there.
2)A Hijab as a religious sign, as an submission or an identity cloth.
3)Who decides who wants/has to wear it?
4)The whole school comunity will abide by the policy of living in equal terms, and rules are the same for everybody.
5)Having respect for other traditions being integrated in other cultures.

Path said...

1- The identinty-culture question: showing that someone is different or becoming the same as the others.

2- Are they obliged to do so or do they do it because they want to?

3- Should the schools in a secular state allow any kind of religious signs? And should a secular state allow any kind of religious education?

4- Parties should debate this issue and reach an independent conclusion, showing tolerance towards inmigrants but strength on their idea of society.

5- The need of an education of the citizens of the host country, like Spain, especially if inmigration is a recent fenomenon


What is wrong with the hijab here in Spain, a country that until two decades ago was "exclusively white and Catholic"?
At the article we can read different opinions and points of view, some of them in favor of wearing veil, some of them against.
Examples of being in favor of are: symbol of modesty and respect for God, women who are attacked by imams if they adopt Western ways, be able to receive an education allowing them at schools...
On the other hand, there are several against aspects: integration, no religious symbols at schools, symbol of discrimination or submission...
Whatever, it is clear that it is a complicated decision which requires time and consideration.

Unknown said...

Marisa said...

My outline is the following:

1) Women have been fighting for ages to have the same rights as men; a jojab is a symbol that shows women inferiority.
2) Schools must be tolerant and respect all the cultures.
3)Islamic families have to try to integrate in our society values.
4) Islamic countries are not tolerant with other cultures or religions, for them, the hijab is compulsory for all the women.
5) Islamic Religion consider women without hijab sexual objects.
6) If parents obly their daughters to wear hijab, this is not positive.
7) Separating religion from education is essential for true democracy.
8) Muslim have to adopt the customs of their own country.
9) The bans on Muslims have been supported by both politican parties in Spain. Reasons: Hyjab is a symbol of submission and vionaltion of civil rights.
10) Once you put the hijab is very difficult to take it off.
11) Around half of the spaniards oppose the wearing of hijabs.
12) Feminists oppose because it is a symbol of discrimination.
13) Secularists oppose because it is a religious symbol.
14) The classroom is a public space paid with taxpayers money, the state is secular, so there cannot be religios symbols.


1)Spaniards can accept women wearing hijab as a symbol of respect for God and as a symbol os multicultural society.

2)Women education is more important than a religious symbol.
3) Islam is compatible with democracy and human rights.
4) Wearing hijab is a personal decision, and in a democratic system we have to respect indivicual dfreedoms if they don´t interfere with the rights of the rest of the population.
5) Schools must guarantee the
right of students to have an education.

CONCLUSION: The idea is to integrate muslims in our society, guarantiing the liberties and freedoms of all.

dondexploto said...

OLGA MENDEZ'S Opinion Composition:

PROBLEM: The coexistence of a religious symbol (The Hijab or Islamic headscarf) with secular rules in schools is waking up different opinions about "discrimination", "equality", "multiculturality"...

POINT 1: Personal symbols mark our identity and are a part of us. They can be religious or secular, but we all use them.
If those symbols are religious they can't be public, because our country is a non religious state.

POINT 2: The presence of different ethnies in the schools must be seen as an oportunity for us, as teachers, to create inside the classroom the dreamt society of respect and tolerance that all of us want.

OPINION: Banning the use of Hijab will be a disaster, will create disgregation instead of rapprochement.

Unknown said...

1)According to El Pais article and Amelia Valcárcel conference we must separate religion from education.
2)For integration in education system would be better not to have your head cover.
3)Anyway we must be tolerant and the hiyab is important for muslim women identity.
4)In cases of women condition we have to educate in equality values and, thus. no create standard differences between sexes.
5)General education of the people is the long-term solution

Miquel Ruiz said...

1.- The choice of Muslim girls of using hijab as an opportunity of generating critical thinking: Why this happens in our society.
2.- Analyze different "acceptables" alternatives: the need of personnal identity construction, a way of social integration (enforcing group membership), religious or political aspects of the question...
3.- The main aim of the host society ("we") regarding newly arrived ethnic groups must be integration. What to do with the different "hijabs" that are around us? (Make them loose their meanings, little by little...)
4.- The role of education as a way of buildind a more respectful society with the different: limits and possibilities.

Miquel Ruiz said...

Raquel said...
My outline is the following:
1)Women have been fighting for ages to have the same rights as men, is the hiyab a simbol that doesn't permit this evolution?
2)The integration of the islamic families in our society depends on the integration of the children.
3)The importance of having an spanish education to be critical with their own culture.
4)The hiyab is an individual decition, a family ban, a safety way to live in the islamic community.
5) School must be tolerant and respest all the cultures.

Unknown said...

Title: Not wearing the veil will make them less muslim?
The arrival of new ethnic groups posses on the one hand some challenges and on the other some difficulties.
Shall we separate religion and education for once and for all?
Because maybe the hijab is being used to make a political statement,but; is it political or religious?
Another aspect wich has to be considered is;in which meassure the decission of wearing the headscarf is taken by the adolescents girls themselves?
Furthermore,do they really want to be integrated?.Finally, why do we consider foreigners the children who have been born here?
Those children have to be educated and integrated in our schools and they have to follow the same rules as anyone else, however the rules have fit people also.



The practice of hibab among Muslim women is one based on religious doctrine.

Nowadays, It is a controversial subject, because some troubles have been presented in our schools and in the other countries like France.

On the one hand, we can think that it is just a veil and there is nothing wrong on it. The girls, who wear it, need to be educated and just for that reason, they must go to school, university or college. We have to accept them in our Educational System and they will decide in the future what they want to do.
Moreover, they don´t make any hurt to anyone and they do not persuate to their classmates to change their mids or even their religious option.

On the other hand, It is a symbol, which is related to the inferiority of the woman and also ban their woman´s intervention in any public situation.

Hijab in their origin was a symbol of dignity, along these lines to show the body was consider a sin and just the prostitute could do it. In addition to that it means a submission of God, in other words, the woman belong to God, not to the man.

Finally, from my point of view as a teachers we have to show respect, be tolerant and teach to our students that we live in a society, which is changing all the time, with different people, cultures and ways of thinking, all in all our pupils must learn as much as possible, be critical and take the best part of everything, they need to open their minds and choose what is better for them.

evagope said...

Eva said:

1) It is important to separate education from religion.
2) Not to wear veil (hats, heads covered,...) seems to be better for integration, but to forbid it(as an identity symbol) is a mistake, it is better to try to show them that they are not less muslims for not wearing it.
3) Rules must be the same in all the schools.

Unknown said...

I have contradictions about the allowance of the hiyab at schools: - -On one hand I know that schools are places where tolerance and respect should be learnt and lived.
- On the other hand, I believe not every culture enriches us nor every religion or political party should be accepted, should the hand of a thief be cut off, or a woman buried after hser husband dies?
- Maybe the hijab should be allowed when girls get older (18?) so that they are more capable of decideing. I don't know I should study the topic deeper to get a clear opinion.

Unknown said...

1. The problematic of wearing the headscarf at schools is increasing.
2. Religion, education and law can't be separated in our culture talking about equality.
3. For Spanish society is not easy to accept some aspects of other cultures.
4. Muslisms will integrate more quickly if they adopt the costums of their host country.
5. The secret is education and then decide choices in life.

Unknown said...

I don´t agree with the opinion that banning the hijab would be the easiest thing for teachers. In fact, it´s very dificult to make a decision for most of us about it. Why?
On the one hand, we don´t know the exact meanig of the hiyab for muslim culture.
Some people say that it´s for religious reasons, others that it´s only a secular custom without connotations and others that we face an attempt to invade our culture.
In my opinion, none of those opinions reflects the right meaning of the hiyab. We tend to consider muslim society as something homogeneous, in other words everybody is thinking in a similar way from Indonesia to Pakistan and from Iran to Morocco calling for Yemen. Nevertheless we should consider the fact that those people come not only from a religious culture but from a country with all its cultural background. The thing is like if we considered Spanish and France customs alike because of the fact that we share religion. Therefore, first of all we need to know what the hiyab really means in order to asses correctly the situation.

Unknown said...

There are many kinds of women's Islamic veils: hijab is the one which is possing problems at schools, but there are another veils like the burka,

Some Islamic people say they are not essential for their religion.

Anyway there is a problem when some islamic girls want to wear hijab at schools,

In El Pais article they speak about integration in Catalonian Society and the difficult time of adolescence.

It seems for integration would be better not to have the head cover.
Anyway people must be tolerant, but in cases of women condition we have to educate in equality values and, thus, no create standard differences between sexes,

The conference of Amelia Valcarcel points to the necessity to separate religion from education. A framework of schools and general education of the people could be the answer.
Jose Bea Perez

Unknown said...

There are many kinds of women's Islamic veils: hijab is the one which is possing problems at schools, but there are another veils like the burka,

Some Islamic people say they are not essential for their religion.

Anyway there is a problem when some islamic girls want to wear hijab at schools,

In El Pais article they speak about integration in Catalonian Society and the difficult time of adolescence.

It seems for integration would be better not to have the head cover.
Anyway people must be tolerant, but in cases of women condition we have to educate in equality values and, thus, no create standard differences between sexes,

The conference of Amelia Valcarcel points to the necessity to separate religion from education. A framework of schools and general education of the people could be the answer.
Jose Bea Perez