1.) Do you think Christmas is a religious family holiday or business?
2.) Has fast food increased children's obesity or, have video games led to sedentary lifestyles? Tell us what you think about this issue. Should parents take more control of their children's diet?
3.) Have you ever downloaded music illigally? Do you agree with paying music taxes each time you download?
4.) Are you for or against religious symbols at schools? Did you go to a school which had religious symbols? How did you feel about this?
Give us your opinion about one of these topics.
Hi! My name is Josefina and I'd like to give my opinion about if Christmas is a religious family holiday or a business.
From my point of view, at the begining it was a religious family holiday. As I concerned, the base of the holidays is mainly religios, I mean that we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Nevertheless, nowadays it's turning into a business as multinationals has seen an excellent opportunity to earn money. Moreover, it's true that people buy too much in this time so that they has could earn a lot of money up to now. But this year will be quite different becouse of crisis. So the question is: In this times of crisis, will people spend too much money or will we return to the spirit of family holidays?
In conclusion, I think that the spirit of Chritmas should never disappear, becouse whitout that the business hasn't sense.
1. Christmas is both a religious family holiday, and a business. We all get the familes together and spend quality time, no matter how painful, with the family which is not the business part of christmas. But the average american spends a ton of money on christmas therefore making it somewhat of a business too.
2. Its a combination of fast food and video games that is causing obesity and sedentary lives. Its the way americans are, to depend on the easy way out, fast food and playing video games instead of working out. Its just our habits, that i doubt parents will change, therefore their kids will grow up in that sort of environment and become worse.
3. I have downloaded music illegally, im pretty sure most people have. I tihnk paying for music is ridiculous. Music should be free.
4, The school itself, shouldnt have a religous symbol, but also shouldnt punish other people for having one. Which is the case in most cases.
Hi! I'm Lydia and I'd like to give my point of view about the religious symbol at schools. I've never studied in a religious school, but I think that people who study there, won't undestand this debate. They've grown up whith these symbols and there are their reality in their lifes.
On the other hand, we live in a secular country, so statal schools couldn't have crosses neither saints or virgins in thir walles.
Do you think in our society exists one way to do apology of Catholicism yet? Like in the 40'
50', 60' or 70'years? Who is interesting in?
Hi! I am Isabel. I think there is a straight relationship between fast food and children’s obesity. To me, the two main problems are lifestyle and education. In our stressful society in which we don’t have time for anything, it is more convenient for parents not to cook, so unconsciously they take their children to McDonalds or Burger King more often than they should or they use ready cooked meal for lunch or dinner. Besides, if parent don’t make children angry, their life is easier, so they give them all they ask for, like candy, chocolates and all that stuff. I know they also do this because they love them, and they think that to love somebody is to give him/her everything he/she asks for, but to bring up a child is much more than that, sometimes it means not to give them things that we know they are not good for them. The advantages of a Mediterranean way of cooking are very well known. Let’s make our children eat healthier and we’ll see how children’s obesity disappears!
About overweight in children:
In my opinion, it's unfair to blame fast food and video games for every problem of our society.
There is nothing wrong in eating fast food once a month, or even once a week. The problem is that some parents are not able to say no to their children and they allow them to eat fast food (and other unhealthy food) every day.
And the same could be said about video games. You can let your children play, but it's very important to remember that they need to work out daily, even if they don't ask for it.
But the main problem is, probably, that parents don't have enough time for their children.
Hi! I'm Inma Esplugues. I'm quite agree with Lydia, who has talked about the religious symbols at the schools.
When I was a child, I studied at a private Catholic school, which receives a state subsidy. Then,there was a crucifix in every class. This didn't bother me. Why?
Because when you are 8 or 10 years old, this doesn't matter. Actually, this is a problem of adults.
In my opinion, the Spanish state schools don't have to show religious symbols because the state doesn't follow any belief. But the private school can decide.
And the parents also. If I'm believer, I can choose a private one; otherwise, my option is the state one.
Christmas has only been a popular family holiday since the XIX century, and as it has been very business-centered since the beginning of the twentieth century until now, it makes no sense to criticize it for what it has been about for most of its existence… a nice mixture of consumerism and family values, good both for the economy and human relations, so it’s a win win situation!
Hi! My name is Josefina and I'd like to give my opinion about this issue (whether Christmas is a religious family holiday or a business).
From my point of view, at first it was a religious family holiday. As I'm concerned, the spirit of celebrations is mainly religious, I mean that we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Nevertheless, nowadays it's turning into a business as multinationals has seen an excellent opportunity to earn money. Moreover, it's true that people buy too much at this time so that the multinationals have taken advantage to earn money up to now. But this year it will be quite different because of the economic crisis. So the question is: In these times of crisis, will people spend so much money or will we return to the spirit of family holidays?
In conclusion, I think that the spirit of Chritmas should never disappear, because whithout that the business doesn't have any meaning.
4) I am not for or against religious symbols al schools. I think the question is not very well formulated, and I'll try to answer why.
If you travell and stay with some religious culture and watch how people get drunk and they throw beer in the floor to bless the Mother Earth, even if you believe in luck, in God, Allah, or in the Genes... it shoudn't disturb at all your beliefs or feelings.
If we talk to muslim people, they don't really care about the cross because they have their own and real religion. I don't think a christian sybol can "hurt their feelings". If so, they woldn't be real believers.
Turning a bit to my life, I've studied in four different schools, two catholic schools and two public schools. When I was in the public ones I didn't miss the cross and, the other way, when I was in catholic ones I didn't reject it either. I think the question must go beyond: has anyone been unfairly trated or discriminated because of her religious beliefs?
I am against religious symbols at school for three reasons.
Firstly, in a secular or non-denominational state, religions shouldn´t have any presence in the public life. The mistake of mixing up state and beliefs have had historically disastrous consequences. However, people should have the possibility to express their religious feelings in a private sphere because they are part of human personality.
Secondly, in multicultural societies,to exhibit religious symbols could upset someone who practice some of the minority religions. Nowadays,we can not say Spain is a catholic country. The demography is changing and more and more we have to live together with new neighbors whor have different religious feelings.
And finally,schools should be spaces to develop our own point of view and a critical sense about everything. This critical sense is the opposite to religious beliefs. In "Agora", the last film by Amenábar, we can see how religions are very often a problem in order to think critically or scientifically.
In spite of have going to public schools, sometimes I met religious symbols in the classrooms. In those moments, they didn´t annoy me. But now, if I have to decide, I´d eliminate them.
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