As we apporach Fallas, some of us get ready for a trip; others have to stay. Some of you will participate in the events such as mascletàs, desperàs, processions, fireworks displays, etc. Everybody will be busy these days. Anyway, exams are so close that I thought I will give you something to do while you are at home or at the countryside, as we have only 11 lessons left before the final exams.
Classbook: p. 82 Reading and Vocabulary; ex. 3 a) & b) Grammar; ex. 1-2-3-4-5 p. 85; ex. 1 p. 86; ex. 1-2- p. 90.
Weak students are advised to work hard with Workbook, Grammar and Vocabulary Book.
Those who want to improve writing skills can write an argumentative compostion "for" or "against" Fallas. Use the handouts I gave you. (About 200 words).
Remember the Book Club for Doris Lessing's "The Grass is Singing" will be April 22 & 27th.
Classes finish May 13th. (last class)
April 1st no class as I am going to a Conference.
Have a good time!