Learning English can be fun!

Learning English will provide you with new opportunities for work, entertainment, social life, travel, etc.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Multimedia Room

Hello everybody!

Today we shall go to Multimedia Room. The main objective is to find out about resources to learn English and do some more specific work.

1. Dialang Test: Have you ever taken this test? If you haven't, this is an opportunity to find out how it works and test your listening comprehension, reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary and writing. This is a quality test based on the CEFR of the Council of Europe. It does not give you a certificate but allows you to self assess your habilities and competences. As it is a free application you can download it from the WEB.

2. Edgar Allan Poe: as you know this year we celebrate the bicentenary of Poe's birth, so you can go to the BBC page and listen to a text, read it, and learn some new expressions. The University is organizing an International Conference on this amazing writer. Look at the Conference Page to find out more.

3. Jobs. A lot of students are unemployed or looking for a better job. In the web you can find ways in which you can do better at job interviews. Find out and tell the class what you have found.

4. Pocasts. A lot of students often complain that they do not perform well at listening tests. Look at the podcast list in e-vent and the class blog to find out which podcasts suit your interests best.


Unknown said...

Hello everybody.
I have found some web pages that will help you to do better at job interviews and to get hired at the end.

Job Interviews / Getting Hired

On this page we are said that it's not enough to just apply for jobs.
You need to thoroughly prepare for the entire hiring process,
so you can ace the interview and secure a job offer.
- interview questions and answers
- interview attire
- types of job interviews
- interview tips
- thank you letters
- following up
- background checks
- salary negotiations

Job Interview Questions
On this web you can find all to make a successfull job interview.
There are two point of view in every job interview: the jobseecker point of view and the interviews point of view.
Here you can see both, so you will be able to think as an interviewer as well.

- type of questions
- sample questions
- how to negotiate your salary
- interview tips
- questions to avoid
- questions to may use
- types of interview

United State department of labor web page

On this page you can find more tips regarding:
- Preparation:
Learn about the organization.
Have a specific job or jobs in mind.
- Personal appearance:
Be well groomed.
Dress appropriately.
- The interview:
Be early.
Learn the name of your interviewer and greet him or her with a firm handshake.
- Information to bring to an interview:

The 25 most difficult questions you'll be asked on a job interview

Questions such us:
- Tell me about yourself?
- What do you know about our organization?
- Why do you want to work for us?
- What can you do for us that someone else can't?

A few web pages that will help you to search a job in the English-speaking countries:
- www.monster.com
- www.jobsearch.co.uk
- www.careerbuilder.com
- www.jobsearch.gov.au
- www.jobsearchusa.org

I hope this will help you.
Fran Bautista. L1.

Inma Esplugues said...

Today, in multimedia class, I have done the Dialang test and I have read the Edgar Allan Poe’s new. It’s about a celebration for the bicentenary of his birth. I have read it at BBC page.

In the third place, I have looked for some job’s pages in internet. I think it’s very useful for us or for anybody who need find job. Here are page’s links:
http://www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk : this page contains news about cases studies, local events, magazines and publications about job.
http://www.simplyhired.es/ : this web give the option to try the job’s area.
http://www.find-a-job-canada.com : this web is useful for people who are looking for a job in Canada.
http://www.nannypro.com/ : If you go to Britain, united States or Canada, for example, is easier to find a job as a nanny or babysitter, because for this jobs, people use to hire students and young people.
http://www.totaljobs.com/ : on this page you can find a long list of instructions about its works and all options it has.

Finally, I have found some interesting podcasts in event blog.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/radio/specials/1457_gramchallenge3 : on this link, you can learn grammar and improve your English. BBC page is very useful for listen conversations, news or grammar lessons.

Lydia Carrasco L1

Unknown said...

Today, in multimedia class, I have done the Dialang test and I have read the Edgar Allan Poe’s new. It’s about a celebration for the bicentenary of his birth. I have read it at BBC page.

In the third place, I have looked for some job’s pages in internet. I think it’s very useful for us or for anybody who need find job. Here are page’s links:
http://www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk : this page contains news about cases studies, local events, magazines and publications about job.
http://www.simplyhired.es/ : this web give the option to try the job’s area.
http://www.find-a-job-canada.com : this web is useful for people who are looking for a job in Canada.
http://www.nannypro.com/ : If you go to Britain, united States or Canada, for example, is easier to find a job as a nanny or babysitter, because for this jobs, people use to hire students and young people.
http://www.totaljobs.com/ : on this page you can find a long list of instructions about its works and all options it has.

Finally, I have found some interesting podcasts in event blog.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/radio/specials/1457_gramchallenge3 : on this link, you can learn grammar and improve your English. BBC page is very useful for listen conversations, news or grammar lessons.

L1 Lydia Carrasco

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hello, It's me Vicent
I've made one of the five dialang test.I completed the listening test. I did the listening because of I think is the more difficult part of learning english for me. Well I was given the A2 level, so I'll have to work hard this topic.

L1_Vicent MOra

Unknown said...

I'm Bea from L1 10:00.Today I've been doing the test on reading, structures and vocabulary that you can find in the main page of this computer or if you prefer do it at home you can downlowd it.
In my opinion it's quite usefull, specially vocabulary's test whith which i've learnt many new words.My recommendation is to do those tests that help you to imporve those aspects of language that you find more difficult.

Good luck!

Unknown said...

Good morning all,

I'm Lourdes and I enjoy a lot with this class but the result of the test I have done It's awful i think it will be better but I recommend people to do it because It helps you to know more about our level.I must practise my English and the most the listening.
I'll try to do more exercises like it because are good to improve my English.
L1_Lourdes Armesto

Olga Pavía said...

After doing the Dialang Test, which it has been really didactic and productive (since it is a great way to frustrate your expectetions, what it's necessary),I have just visited the BBC page and listened the Edgar Allan Poe's page. I've learnt a few words and expressions which I've noted in my vocabulary notebook.
It has been a productive class.
Have a good day!

Carla L-1 said...

L-1 Carla Acebrón
Hello ladies & gentelmen!

I've done almost all the parts of the Dialang test (with great results) and I recommend u to do it because it's very useful to review grammar, reading, writting, vocabulary and structures.

I encourage all my classmates to try it!

See you on Friday...? :(

Unknown said...

I'm really upset after doing the listening test because I've ralized I need to practice more my listening. But this encourage me to make an effort this year for improving my english.
I recomend everybody to do the test to know their own level and plan the activities more usefull for them to improve their english

Unknown said...

Hello everybody!

I`m Natalia form L1, in this class I did the Dialang test, in my opinion this test is interesting but very longer, thirty question are to much, and when you are in the midle of the test your concentration is low and this thing dificult to do the test.

Althoug this test help you to improve your english and to now your level, I think is very useful.

About my result I need to practise my listening english and in the future I`ll try to do more listenings at home.


Unknown said...

hello evereybody!!! today in class I do the dialang test and I read and listen Edgar Allan Poe's text. I think that I need to practice more listening to improve my English level. I have to study very hard!!
L1 Carmen G.

Manoli said...

Hello, I'm Manoli
After doing the dialang test, I realized I have to listen english news, songs, watch films, a much as possible to improve my listenning.I've found the test very interesting to know your level and to start working hard.

Anonymous said...

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