Would you like to see Happy Go Lucky on Wednesday 21st at 12.00 h. in UGC?
If so, bring 4 euros on Friday or Monday to book your seat. That's the price of the ticket.
This will be an activity outside the school which will be the basis for other classroom tasks, so try not to miss it!
I think films in V.o. is a good way to learn english because so we can improve our listening tests....I can´t go this Wednesday but I´ll try to go in other occasions
best regards!!
Lately the movies seem to be fashionable without apparent argument in which the spectator has to find their own conclusions. Happy go Lucky is inside this category. An interesting movie, with a terrible accent difficult to understand that provokes the reflection. I have not decided yet if I like it or not. I continue thinking...
Rosario Fombuena
L1 12.00
With Mike Leigh I’ve the same impression as with Cohen brothers or Woody Allen: their films always are over the average quality of most part of the films, but on the other hand, or precisely because of that, you always expect from them great films, according to their masterpieces (“Secret & Lies”, “All or nothing”, concerning Mike Leigh).
In this case, without any sort of argument, the film is totally built over the good work of the main actress, Sally Hawkins, and although she finally gets a convincing performance, and despite the funny dialogs distributed all over the film, it is not enough to keep the interest during the two hours the film lasts.
Below the apparent comedy, maybe the film try to have a more complex background, but if so, I think it fails. In my opinion, Mike Leigh manages better in drama than in comedy.
Finally, watching V.O. films is a very useful way to improve listening, although with “Happy” I failed to get more than a few sentences.
Daniel Alonso
L1 12:00
I like see films in V.O. when I can at home or at the cinema, at home is more esay for me because I rewind o put subtitles in English when I don't understand something, but at the cinema the atmosphere is better.
I agree with isa, is a good way to learn English and we can improve our pronuntation and learn new expression.
see you soon!
I think "Happy..." is the happiest film Mike leigh has ever made. The others films are more sad and depressing. I specially like very good work of Sally Hawkins. She is a very good actress but in this film, at the beginning, she makes you feel angry with her character, first is irritating, then she is simple-minded and finally you think she is lovely and a free person, open minded and you fall in love with her.
The other character shocked me was Scott, he is impatient, angry, racist, the antithesis of happiness and I think the actor is really fantastic.
Perhaps the screenplay is noy very deep or complex but makes you think about happiness and about the ways or live you can choose.
Finally I think v.o. films are really good because you are listening the actors voices and you can improve your english but in this film I think is really dificult to understand them...
Javier Vila
Personally I enjoyed Happy-Go-Lucky very much.
I laughed a lot, particularly during Poppy’s driving lessons scenes. I found very funny how Poppy gets on the teacher’s nerves.
I also liked Poppy’s character. One the one hand, she is always happy and doesn’t care so much about things that aren’t really important. And on the other hand, when things are getting serious, she knows how to deal with problems and she turns into a very reasonable person.
For example, when she is having fun with her friends, she seems to be a bit crazy. But, when she notices that there is something wrong with one of her pupils, she doesn’t hesitate to pull strings (she lets the headmistress know about what was going on and they summon a child’s psychologist) in order to talk the boy out of it.
I think Happy-Go-Lucky it’s a great film in which laugh and deeper topics are put together.
From my point of view, the film teachs you how beautiful can be our life, if we want it.
Poppy shows us something very special in a funny, and realistic way at the same time.She can have problems, but she doesn't get angry.Something can happen to her, but if it's not very important, she doesn't worry about it.Poppy takes the good part of everything.
Sometimes, the human being makes life too dificult, and Poppy makes it easier with her behaviour.Maybe she is too nice with everyone, but I think that's not a very big problem.I just loved it.
Mike Leigh is a film fan with an amount of films weighed down with awards of several film festivals.
In Happy he gives up with drama films and gets out for comedy. Leigh uses daily characters and surroundings. Deepest feelings and inner motivations are shown in this film.
Mike Leigh pays tribute to optimism, which stands to the up-to-date aggressive and deranged society. We see different situations where kindness and generosity run up against very embittered and wretched characters.
The main character is played by Sally Hawkins, whom the best actress prize was given in Berlin. Her happy personality leaves a trace in her friends meetings, at school, in her emotive encounter with the homeless man, in the dancing course, at the disco, and above all in her driving lessons where she has to face a particularly neurotic and on edge set instructor.
This praise to daily people appears already in Fellini’s film “Cabiria nights” and in J. P. Jeunet’s film “Amélie”, where the main characters might also be aware of their odding personalities but even so still go ahead and never change.
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