Learning English can be fun!

Learning English will provide you with new opportunities for work, entertainment, social life, travel, etc.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

The English Verb

Sometimes we forget that using English in the classroom is not enough, that students need a scientific approach to some aspects of the language. Here is a ppt about the verb.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

VIII Congreso de Escuelas de Idiomas

Writing in English at an advanced level is usually tricky and time consuming. Teaching students to write can be a nightmare for teachers. On Friday 19th I'll be leading a workshop about how to organize a didactic sequence about an online commentary. 

See VIII Congreso de Escuelas de Idiomas (Pamplona) programme: "La elaboración de una secuencia didáctica sobre la escritura en inglés B1,B2 y C1".
17h. Room  29 at EOIP.

If you are interested in this line of work, go to


Here you can download my previous papers.
For the February paper go to 

INMA GARÍN: Teaching and learning to write at the EOI. And then click either of these:
(paper delivered recently at EOI VAL)
referencias_garin_apeoicva (references about writing in FL).
PPT Presentations in Author Stream related to writing.

1) Writing a presentation.

See also my PPTs at Slide share:

1) didactic sequences
2) Oral English
3) Using drama in the classroom
4) Planning and correcting your writing
5) Vocabulary
6) Your voice in action

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Working for pleasure

Last Friday, the EOI held a party for the teachers who have retired in the last months. Not many teachers attended, but it was great to greet the oldies and meet everyone in a happy atmosphere not free from nostalgia.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Critical Pedagogy

On Saturday I was able to talk to a few teachers during the demonstration at the Estación del Norte in Valencia. They did not seem to know about Critical Pedagogy, the theory that expresses the new developments from Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed blended with European Critical Theory, as presented by writers such as Henry Griroux and Peter McLaren.

The theory started in conversations between Griroux and Freire in the middle of the 1970s. Giroux tried to link private and public issues, that is private lives and social movements. Today Critical Pedagogy constitutes a serious body of work.

The video shows McLaren in Valencia, invited by CCOO Federació Ensenyament. I thought it would be interesting for teachers today as it shows how to deal with difficult situations. Finally, it stresses the idea that every educational system is politically determined, so it becomes absolutely necessary to take sides.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Back as a Teacher Trainer


Since last week I am back as a Teacher Trainer as I was invited to participate in Jornadas de Formación APEOICVA, so I was delighted to go back to the same building where I had been working for the last twenty years.

The title of my paper was "Teaching and Learning to Write at the EOI". I enjoyed meeting young and not so young teachers and discussing about issues that have worried me for years. So I have decided to participate in VIII Congreso EEOOII that will take place in Navarra in April (18-19-20) 2013. I shall keep you informed about it.

I thank Presen, Laura, Alfredo and Alfonso for their dedicated effort to make this Jornadas happen.

I was given an address where the materials from the different Teacher Trainers are uploaded: http://jornadasapeoicva.wordpress.com