Learning English can be fun!

Learning English will provide you with new opportunities for work, entertainment, social life, travel, etc.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Christmas homework

Speakout, upper intermediate,Unit 4
pages 44-46, except the writing.
page 49-51, except the speaking.

Second Book
You can choose a title from the list in the blog.
If you prefer something else, you can read it as long as it is an original version.

Those who need extra pronunciation work, can use dhe BBC learners page in the widget or any other page you can find.

Those who need extra speaking, can do personal accounts of events and record them in their cell phones.

Those who need extra gramma work, can also use the BC learners page, or the Class DVD, where you have listening activities, vocabulay and grammar tasks.

See you in January.

Happy New Year!

Monday, 12 December 2011

Oral Test

By now you should have read a FICTION BOOK!

What do I need to prepare?

1. Introduction: When and where does the action take place? Who are the characters? (BACKGROUND)
2. A brief outline of the story.
3. A description of the main characters.
4. A description of the main events.
5. The meaning. What is the writer's intention?
6. The best ideas. (The ones you like best; the ones you do not like at all).
7. Some quotations of significant bits of text (these can be read aloud in class).

8. Vocabulary or expressions that need to be learnt (You can teach these to your classmates).
9. Conclusion: would you recommend the book? Why? (Give reasons to support you point.)